The All American Deadlift program details Sean Mullican’s rocky road to adding 50lbs to his deadlift in 15 weeks going into Strongman Corporation Nationals. This improvement was perhaps the most important factor in Sean earning a spot on the podium, his Arnold invitation, and his Strongman Corporation Pro Card. Mullican had already shown he was world class or near world class on events like carrying, loading, and pressing, but the deadlift events had continually held him back.
Follow the exact program, percentage for percentage, with assistance work, tips, and warmup protocols included that Sean and I developed to help him emerge from years of frustration to reach elite status in strongman. “The All American” is one of the most dedicated athletes I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with (and a very dear friendl), and I believe anyone as diligent and disciplined as Sean will make terrific progress after working through this 15 week training cycle. If a man that started guided weight training at the age of 11, strength trained under Division 1 coaches as a wrestler at WVU, and suffered back pain for years while grinding through a physically demanding job can still boost his deadlift without anabolics, so can you.

Paul Mouser is professional strength and conditioning coach at Viking Performance Training, who graduated from West Virginia University roughly 100 years ago. Paul has competed in strongman, powerlifting, Highlander events, and living room dance-offs. Paul spent some time in the wacky world of professional wrestling, and was the voice of Strongman Corporation for around 7 years.
This program is digital only it is not a physical copy
the format is an excel spreadsheet with explantations on the movements and FAQ
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