After a disappointing 2016 Strongman season Robert Oberst went back to the drawing board as he knew he needed a change to continue being a top Strongman competitor. The Strong & Pretty Program goes through why Oberst decided to make these changes losing over 70lbs and what the changes he did make to get back to the finals of Worlds Strongest Man including a 12 week program that was built off these principles to make you stronger and prettier.
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Sample Week
Week 1
Day 1
- Push Press up to a heavy 8. Strip off 10-15% and do as many reps as possible (or 25-45lbs depending on your strength)
- Strict Press Take around 65% of your max and do 4 sets of 8
- Lat Pulldowns 4×8 increase weight every set until you can barely complete the 8th rep
- Rear Delt Raises use a weight you can do 12-15 clean reps with, and do as many reps as possible. Once you reach failure, do rear delt swings to failure. Do this for 2 sets
- Cable Front Raises and Cable Lateral Raise Superset 3×8-12 each (use dumbbells if you have no access to cable machine)
- Snatch Grip Barbell Shrugs use a light weight, and do full controlled reps here for 2 sets aim for 15-20 reps
- Hammer Curls 3×8
- Tricep Pressdowns 3×8
Day 2
- Single Leg Deadlift 3×8 (each leg) Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell with the same hand as the foot that will remain on the ground. Perform these slow and controlled focusing on balancing through your planted foot, pushing your opposite leg back, focusing on only going as low as you can while maintaining a flat back. If balance is a problem, try holding onto the squat rack or other solid stable object with your opposite hand.
- Glute Bridges 3×8
- X band Walks 3x50ft each side
- Deadlift 65% of your max 8×4. Take no more than 60-90 seconds rest here. Perform every rep as if it is a new max focusing on proper form and being explosive. Remember this is PRACTICE
- Romanian Deadlift 3×8 keep your back flat and neutral while pushing your hips back slowly lowering the weight ,feeling a big stretch in your hamstrings. Only go as low as you can while keeping a flat back. Start off with around 40% of your max. For example, if you can deadlift 500lbs, then 225lbs is probably a good starting weight for you.
- Barbell Hip Thrusts 5×5 you want these pretty heavy but not crazy. Use a weight you could do for sets of 8. Pause at the top really squeezing the cheeks.
- Barbell Row 3×8
- Farmers Walk EMOM 60% 6x50ft (use dumbbells if no farmers walk)
Day 3 *Optional*
- Hill Sprint: Give yourself 10 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in length staying around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints, up the intensity a little and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled.
- Ab circuit pick 3 movements and do 8 reps on each for 3 sets without stopping.
Day 4
- Seated Overhead Press 4×8 put the bar at almost vertical. Just a little lean back (about 80* angle) use a weight you could do for sets of 12.
- Close Grip Bench Press 5×5 shoulder width grip. Really control the weight on the way down. Use a weight you could do for sets of 8-10.
- SLIGHT Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (30 degrees) 3×8
- Skull Crushers 3×8
- Standing Dumbbell Curls 3×8
Day 5 *Optional*
- Hill Sprint: Give yourself 12 minutes and sprint a hill that is about 50ft in length staying around 60-70% effort. By the last few sprints, up the intensity a little and make sure to fully recover between each sprint. If you have no access to a hill, do incline treadmill sprints or even just push a prowler or sled.
- Ab Circuit pick 3 movements and do 8 reps on each for 4 sets without stopping.
Day 6
- Front Squat 4×6 use a weight you could do for sets of 8-10.
- Barbell Walking Lunges 3×8 (each leg) start light and take very purposeful steps. The main goal here is to even out the strength in each leg, as most people have an imbalance.
- Leg Press 2×20 BURNOUT use a light weight and just get those quads pumped with blood.
- Snatch Grip Barbell Shrugs take a wide grip on the barbell using about 30% of your max deadlift (use no less than 95lbs) go to failure without stopping for 2 sets. This is how I built my traps!
- Loading Over Bar Strongman Event (atlas stones, kegs, sandbags, etc) 5×1 EMOM *OPTIONAL*
Day 7 *Optional*
- Hike Pick a trail that will take 20-30 minutes that isn’t too strenuous for you, you can also pick a different sport or activity you enjoy this day.
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