
Strongman Training Camp (Ebook)


Strongman Training Camp is a complete guide to planning out preparation for a strongman competition.


The only book of it’s kind! Are you as prepared as you can possibly be going into contests? Do you know how to plan out and format a training camp? This book guides you on what to do the second you decide to do a contest, from the first step, to the day you compete.

If you get the book in the first month of release you will also be entered into a drawing for-

  1. $150 cash!
  2. 12 weeks of custom training program
  3. $50 dollar Starting Strongman gift certificate
  4. Any 2 ebooks of your choice from Startingstrongman
  5. A years worth of training templates from either Kalle or Josh!

Sold By: Josh Thigpen


Strongman Training Camp is a complete guide to planning out preparation for a strongman competition.


The only book of it’s kind! Are you as prepared as you can possibly be going into contests? Do you know how to plan out and format a training camp? This book guides you on what to do the second you decide to do a contest, from the first step, to the day you compete. For too long strongmen have only focused on their training, but without the other intangibles in this guide, your contest preparation is incomplete. The Strongman Training Camp Ebook is a game changer for the sport, and when combined with a solid training program will make you unstoppable. Josh Thigpen and Kalle Beck’s knowledge and experience of a combined 32 years in the sport have culminated with this guide! Check off every box and come in as prepared as you possibly can be! The book guides you in –

– goal setting
– recovery work
– mental training
– nutrition and supplementation
– how to prepare using whatever resources you have
– how heavy should a training camp be
-how long should a training camp be
– weight cutting
– training partners and gyms
– how far out from a contest to pull back and deload
– printable training camp templates to plan and document your camp and much more!!
this does NOT include a training program

Additional information


Strongman Training Camp, + Cube Cyborg, + How To Train Strongman in A Regular Gym


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